The world is in deep strife


And the Labor left is at its biggest turning point ever

Bob Gould

Starting at the top with national issues

The current economic crisis is rapidly shaping up to be the greatest economic explosion in the history of the capitalist system. All serious commentators including most governments agree on that.

Nevertheless the response of the whole left of the labour movement, in the Labor Party and outside, has been inadequate and limited, and marked by a benign optimism that business as usual will return after a suitable period of recovery.

Anyone who claims that they can predict the exact development of the crisis in detail is a charlatan. On the Far Left, a certain idiot catastrophism has some currency.

It was the great Russian Marxist leader Lenin who said something like “economic crisis is no guarantee of socialist success … there is no crisis that the ruling class can’t scramble out of in the absence of an adequate socialist leadership to displace them from their control of society”.

That observation applies to the current crisis, which however is very wide and very deep, and contains extraordinary unique features based on the collapse of all the crazy new financial instruments like derivatives, created by the ruling classes of many countries during the last mad bubble.

The right-wing populist Laroucheite sect has been handing out around Sydney, and probably other cities, a rather weird newspaper, but one thing on the front page of that paper is very useful and significant. It is a graphic shows that the actual asset capitalisation of the four major banks is minuscule compared with their exposure to various instruments of lending without real asset backing.

The real assets are a tiny little strip at the bottom of the graph, and the crazy exposure to the new instruments soars through the roof. They also in passing describe the way the Macquarie Bank of speculators was tied up with entities such as Lehmann Brothers, and how the bank that employs Paul Keating is tied in with JP Morgan.

It is pretty clear that the sanguine confidence about the Australian banking system displayed by some of our leaders is badly misplaced. A couple of weeks ago, Kevin Rudd and his staff produced a well argued and sober analysis of the build up to the present economic crisis, published in The Monthly, which all serious socialists should read very carefully.

The rather lunatic right-wing commentariat associated with the major bourgeois newspapers have been frothing at the mouth about the Rudd and his staff essay for the past few weeks, accusing it of being Marxist or Keynesian, and other assorted swear words.

This right-wing frenzy against Rudd, the bottom line of which is that you have to stick to the free market at all costs and that eventually that will solve the problem, underlines the absolutely self-interested use of ideology by that section of the ruling class.

Their attacks demonstrate their hatred of the rest of the population, and illustrate their fantastic ignorance of almost everything. Saner fractions of the global ruling classes are displaying a very different attitude to the crisis, and a number of them are quite prepared to abdicate parts of the free market for the time being, in the broader interests of capitalism on a global scale.

There have always been in the ALP and the unions, two streams of thought, the social democratic stream, and a more forthrightly socialist stream. Rudd’s essay is the most articulate literary expression of the social democratic stream.

However, it begs a number of serious questions. The first is obviously the complete bankruptcy of the deregulation-privatisation model of the two previous federal Labor governments.

The privatisations have all been economic disasters from the point of view of the working and middle classes, and the population now hates all privatisations. They have led to the fantastic enrichment of sectors of finance capital at the expense of the working and middle classes, and precipitated the current economic crisis.

The deregulation process has severely limited the capacity of governments to intervene in a meaningful way in the crisis. To their considerable credit, Rudd and Swan and the other leaders of the current Labor Government have at least, in a traditional social democratic way, produced the two stimulus packages and rather belatedly put a bit of pressure on the banks.

Despite some weaknesses in the stimulus packages, which are too soft on the banking system, it goes without saying that rational socialists should defend the general thrust of the stimulus packages and the Government against the crazy attacks on them by the increasingly isolated right wing in Australian society, exemplified by the Murdoch press and the Liberal National party vote against the stimulus package in the parliament.

It is quite clear that the stimulus packages, which are already softening the impact of the economic crisis on the real economy, and also on ordinary people, and to some extent are saving jobs, will not, even in the medium term stop the unfolding of the crisis.

Rudd and Treasurer Wayne Swan have the brains and rational political acumen to warn the population that unemployment is likely to increase.

The traditional socialist stream in the labour movement and the current crisis

There are some obvious demands that should be put forward by traditional socialists in the face of the inadequacies of the kind of model outlined by Rudd in his very useful monthly essay.

The first demand is the permanent and comprehensive nationalisation of banking, insurance and the finance industry. Sober sections of the global ruling class are already tacitly accepting the possibility of bank nationalisation with the rather surreal proposition that the banks should be given back to the rentiers when the crisis lifts.

They have Buckley’s chance of persuading populations anywhere that handing banks back to the ruling class in the future would be a good idea.

In my view the second pressing demand in Australian conditions is the nationalisation of the whole of the mining industry, which is utterly central to the Australian economy and too important to be left to the crazy fluctuations of the world capitalist economy.

The current move of private Chinese capitalist corporations to take over major Australian mining concerns underlines the immediate importance of the nationalisation of the mining industry.

The third demand at the federal level should be the immediate nationalisation of major industrial concerns that go bust. Bringing significant sectors of the economy into the public sector is not such a novel idea even in more “normal” times.The Singapore Government, for example, owns Singapore Airlines, a powerful and successful competitor in world airline markets.

The Chinese Government owns the major Chinese banks. Hugo Chavez nationalised the vital Venezualan oil industry years ago, which has given Venezuala very considerable leverage in the world capitalist market place.

The lesson of all this is that some sectors of the economy are all-important. If Chavez had nationalised the grapefruit industry nobody would have noticed, but Venezualan government ownership of the oil industry gives Venezuala great leverage in the world economic market and has even calmed down the sectors of the US ruling class that would like to destroy the Chavez regime at almost any cost.

Another important demand in the federal sphere is that there should be no further privatisation of public assets.

Serious social democrats such as Rudd and Swan, who belong to the tradition of trying to regulate and preserve the capitalist system in a humane way, can’t be expected to take up these demands wholesale, although circumstances as they develop may lead pragmatic electoral political realists like them to take up some of these matters in due course.

It falls upon the traditional socialist wing in the labour movement to play its proper role, and it should prosecute the above demands with the utmost vigour in the labour movement and society at large.

Labor politics at state level and the Labor left

A week is a long time in politics, and this year is an immensely long time in current conditions. At the last annual general meeting of the NSW Labor Left we were just beginning a campaign against electricity privatisation, and Premier Morris Iemma and Treasurers Mick Costa were ruling the roost in the state ALP.

We have come a certain distance since then. The stubborn resistance of the unions to the privatisation eventually produced a differentiation on both the right and the left in the state parliamentary ALP, and it is to the considerable credit of a minority of the parliamentary left that their stubborn determination to cross the floor if necessary, repeated loudly, eventually triggered the parliamentary explosion that removed Iemma and Costa, although the details of how it happened were semi-accidental.

Unfortunately in that battle, the Left ministers kept repeating a mantra about being bound in some way by cabinet solidarity, which they continue to repeat in the new situation with a new premier and a badly fractured Right faction in the ALP.

Unfortunately, from the Labor electoral point of view, all of the parliamentary chop chop has damaged Labor electorally in NSW and the bourgeois press relentlessly attack the state ALP, while yesterdays subjects of press ridicule like Reba Meagher become today’s heroes to the reptiles of the press.

Mick Costa’s stellar rise as a right-wing commentator in the Murdoch press and right-wing critic of the federal and state Labor governments is an example of this process. Happily from the Labor point of view, all the print media is going down the gurgler, sometimes as much as 5 per cent a quarter, as the younger generation get all their news from the net, and the older generation watch TV.

The right-wing commentariat, which now includes lots of Labor renegades in the print media, are largely talking to each other rather than the rest of the population, which explains in part the continuing opposition to all privatisations by most of the electorate despite the furious consensus of the print media that it is the only possible thing to do in what they claim is the interests of the nation and common sense.

Nevertheless, at the moment the state government seems to be in a deep electoral hole. The determination of the state government to continue with further privatisations, like the retail side of electricity, the utterly inhumane privatisation of prisons, the financially incomprehensible sale of the State Lotteries, and even the potentially electorally disastrous privatisation of the long paddock, the stock routes in the bush, all these privatisations and others will prove electorally disastrous in the coming elections for the Labor interest.

From a socialist point of view it is totally unprincipled for anyone on the Left to support any of the further privatisations in the current conditions, particularly semi-surreptitious privatisations sheltering behind so-called “commercial in confidence” considerations.

Apart from being unprincipled, these further privatisations are electoral poison for the ALP.

Electorally, the ALP in NSW needs a bit of creative thinking. All the reactionary rubbish about credit ratings for governments has disappeared in the past few months like snow flakes in summer.

Populations are looking more and more to governments to protect their interests. If the NSW government were to make a U-turn, a big public statement and hullaballoo, that all privatisations and privatisation processes were now suspended because of the current crisis and the impossibility of getting a decent price for any of the assets in current conditions, and the pressing need to protect the interests of the workers employed in the industries and consumers, there would be an immediate positive electoral response from the voters.

There would be a stunned squeal from the reactionary media, but this would have far less impact electorally than the favourable electoral response from the population. Labor would go up sharply in the polls.

The Government need only point to the example of electricity privatisation in Victoria, including the privatisation of the retail part, to make that point loud and clear to the voters.

The private owners of Victorian electricity have starved infrastructure development, leading to the recent blackouts, and the role played by the collapsed power lines in the recent bushfires is obvious for all to see, and is going to be the subject of class actions in the Victorian courts.

It is beginning to emerge that if the class actions proceed successfully, the Victorian Government will have to pick up most of the tab because of the guarantees given to the private companies.

All recent privatisations have been like that, and the current ones proposed in NSW will be no different. So much for “commercial in confidence”. It’s quite clear for anyone with eyes to see that a considerable lobby for privatisation exists now, including former Labor luminaries who have taken jobs with a number of the highly speculative economic entities that have caused the crisis.

These entities are driven by their collapsing balance sheets to try to grab whatever they can get in favourable privatisations to calm their investors or get new investors.

The extraordinarily virulent attack on John Robertson by a certain now politically retired Labor leader, has to be seen in the context of pressure for further privatisations in which the commercial entities looking for business use all their human assets to achieve the desired result from their point of view.

There can be little doubt that all sorts of pressures are being exerted, and strings are being pulled to allow some of these, if not all of these, privatisations to proceed. But enough is enough!

Unions affected by the further privatisations are responding in their own way in defence of their member’s interests and also of the public. The logic of events will probably fairly rapidly lead to another general union mobilisation in NSW against the further privatisations, despite all the strings that are being pulled.

Process and the Labor left

The reaction to the new Premier’s announcement that he was proceeding with the sale of the retail electricity was an example of what the Left should not do.

I have been told in a rather embarrassed way by some of the players, that the Left executive met before the Admin Committee at which the unacceptable compromise was accepted, but that clearly did not lead to anyone on the Left at the Admin Committee voting against the Premier’s position.

The only person who did so was Ben Kruse from the Right. In my experience, and reading of Labor history, a Left should act like a Left.

Sometimes accommodations, arrangements and deals are necessary in the political process. Anybody who doesn’t realise that is hopelessly naive and should not be in working-class politics. But nevertheless arrangements, accommodations and deals should never violate basic socialist principles.

In my view, opposition to all further privatisations is a basic Labor and socialist principle to which the Left must stick, and takes precedence over other considerations like who gets what job.

Tonight’s meeting of the Left should strike a blow for basic socialist principles, and also in the interests of Labor’s electoral future in NSW, by making opposition to all further privatisations a matter of Socialist Left policy, and call on all SL supporters and associates, at every level, including the parliamentary and cabinet level, to oppose the privatisations c currently proceeding.

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10 Responses to “The world is in deep strife”

  1. luke weyland Says:

    Good Luck Bob

  2. Dave Riley Says:

    “Tonight’s meeting of the Left should strike a blow for basic socialist principles, and also in the interests of Labor’s electoral future in NSW, by making opposition to all further privatisations a matter of Socialist Left policy, and call on all SL supporters and associates, at every level, including the parliamentary and cabinet level, to oppose the privatisations c currently proceeding…”

    But what if it doesn’t? What sort of turning point would be registered by that?

  3. THR Says:

    Good post.
    I thought that Rudd’s analysis of the GFC was pretty spot on, broadly speaking. He minimised the extent to which his predecessors were neo-liberal however. He also finished on a note of petty partisan politics, when, in terms of economic policy, there’s been little to distinguish the Coalition from the ALP for years. I’m not optimistic that Rudd and Swan’s committment to social democracy is anything other than rhetorical, at this stage.

  4. professor rat Says:

    Nationalizing everything is National Socialism. No decent libertarian or democratic socialist on the left will have anything to do with such fascist nonsense. Go and live in the democratic peoples republic of North Korea you loser.

  5. Tristan Ewins Says:

    Dear Bob,

    If you’re interested in republishing this at Left Focus, send me an email – and maybe we can sort something out. (Maybe an occasional cross-post to publicise both our blogs?)


    Tristan Ewins

  6. Jenny Haines Says:

    So Professor Rat, how do you propose getting through the current crisis and minimising job losses? Or doesn’t the work and social disruption caused by finance capital for ordinary working people of the working and middle classes concern you? Bob did not use abuse in his article and you would do rational discussion a favour if you did not engage in it yourself.

    Bob did not say nationalise everything. Read the article again. He was specific about what should be nationalised, not for the purpose of social control as dictated by the fascists but to keep the engines of the companies involved running so that jobs can be saved, goods produced, people are fed, their houses are saved so they don’t have to live in caravan parks and their cars, as is happening in America. This financial and economic crisis is probably going to get worse before it gets better. Socialists must develop a rational plan on how the crisis should be dealt with around which we can organise.

  7. futilitarian Says:

    The world certainly is in deep strife but the Australian left is in much deeper strife. It’s doubtful anything will be nationalised because there are no significant social forces demanding it, least of all fighting for it. Even if Little Kev does appropriate some failed companies just to shore up the economy when the bust gets worse it’ll all be re-privatised during the next boom. Whether in boom or bust, capitalism comes up trumps. State socialism is dead, libertarian socialism is dead, the left is dead. We’re all insignificant petty-bourgeois monads now, and our only possibilities of protest or rebellion are to cheat on taxes or to exceed the speed limit. All else is vanity. The brave new world has arrived and is well ensconced. So shut up, pay your bills and be happy.

  8. Twobob Says:

    Unfortunately futilitarian is almost right. But not quite, their exists another option which should be strongly advocated and that is to join into the political party process and help steer the ship from within. The left is not quite dead although within the Labor movement it appears to be. Take heart one and all from the demise of the Murdoch press empire. People have sickened of his lies and the ultimate disgrace will be suffered by him when he looses all relevance. His support for the climate change denialists will be the final nail in his coffin. As advocated the anti-nationalisation supremests will squeal but no one is listening. All you need to do to win support is to show how nationalisation will mean a few more dollars in everyone pocket and you have won the game. futilitarian doesnt quite understand the depth of the crisis that we face and it will not be more of the same in years to come. We are watching the death of capitalism or at very least the death of the way that capitalism has worked for the last 40 years the question is however does any of us want to be a part of what will replace it?

  9. futilitarian Says:

    It could hardly be believed to be possible but the Left is in even deeper strife now than it was when the so-called crisis hit. The crisis that was predicted by the Left to be the mother of all crises so far seems little more than a flash in the pan. Once again the Left is left with egg on its face.

  10. Skylansky Says:

    That the left in Australia is in disarray is an unfortunate fact. Rebuilding the socialist movement here will need both its rearming in theory and a sober reassessment of past failed practice (obvious i know). I find it startling that Bob can describe K Rudd and Co as Social Democratic or have us believe that there is any socialist current in the ALP. This article’s illusions rank along side the political fantasy’s of the old Stalinist Parties. Lenin’s clear description of the ALP as a bourgeois liberal party should be more obvious than ever. Yes we need to nationalise the mining company’s but this would require a working class that has regained the ability to act independantly in its own interests, expressed at both the party level and the grass roots level with the wide spread a break up of the venal union bureacracies and a reforging of new militant, worker run unions. We get enough lies from the corporate media Bob, to sow illusions amongst working people that the ALP is anything other than a capitalist party only handcuffs those with socialist politics to a base lie that leads nowhere.

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