Introducing The Ecosocialist


Ed Lewis

Back in 2001 Joel Kovel and Michael Lowy wrote an Ecosocialist Manifesto advancing a left approach to the deepening environmental crisis. Now some leftist environmentalists around the world are involved in drafting a second, updated version of the manifesto.

In my opinion, both versions focus too much on catastrophism and too little on the possibilities within the reach of humanity to eliminate scarcity of the means of life and deep inequality within societies and between different parts of the world.

Nevertheless, the two manifestos are a step in the right direction and form the basis of an attempt in Australia to cohere a political centre for left and green thought, analysis and discussion.

To this end, The Ecosocialist has been established, a group blog involving people from various organisations and strands of thought. It’s in its early stages, but readers of Ozleft may find it useful to have a look at The Ecosocialist and participate in its discussions as they unfold. It’s a project with modest beginnings but great potential.

John Rice, one of the moving forces in establishing The Ecosocialist, explains more in an introductory post.


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